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Unruly Heroes, video game, action, adventure, XboxOne, PS4, Nintendo Switch, 4K, epic

Win Unruly Heroes on your favorite platform! 🌞

Photo du rédacteur: Magic Design StudiosMagic Design Studios

Smiiiiile, it's Selfie Day, Summer is finally here and the week-end is coming! Also, in France, we are celebrating music in every cities, villages, streets etc. (that's a great event).

Buuuut most of all, it's Unruly Heroes' 5 months anniversary! 🎉

To celebrate this beautiful day and to thank you for your support, we're going to offer download codes of the game for the platform of your choice (Nintendo Switch, PS4, XboxOne/Win10 and Steam).

Check our last post in our social networks: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and enter to win!

Winners will be notified via DM 25th June 2019.

Good luck everyone! 🍀

Terms and Conditions of participation here.


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